Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Essays and me

This year I learned so much more about essays. I have gotten better at writing them and analyzing. I know I can read any book and, given the motivation and time, can analyze it. I wouldn't call myself an accomplished essayist though. most people in the class write better essays than I do, but I am a lot better at it. Thank you Mrs. Gilman for helping me to understand how to write a good quality essay every time.

My essay is probably the best I have written yet, but part of my essay is failing to be mostly analysis rather than a summerary of the texts. This is simply because there is not a perfect concrete detail for this one point I am trying to prove, but I will get as much out of it as I can.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Summer Books

Well I have read every book in my shelf that was worth reading and I really have no idea what good books I can get my hands on during the summer.

However, I want to look for The Life of Pi from the reading list and Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortensen. I want to read The Life of Pi because it sounds very interesting. I read the blerb in the library and it pulled me in. I want to read Three Cups of Tea because this whole talk of Greg Mortensen and him coming to our school to talk with us and just the many description of what he did there, has inspired me to read his book and I haven't been able to get my hands on it.

If I don't read these books by the end of the school year, they are defenatly on my summer reading list.

Friday, May 7, 2010


According to the zodiac, I am a Virgo. Most of the information about this zodiac sign is accurate to me. For example: I do LOVE the earth and out doors, and will often be outside if I can. I do want to do the right thing all the time, but it's NOT because it comes naturally to me. I want to do the right thing because I am a christan and I want to do what my loving, holy God wants me to do. However, I often fail and do not represent him accuratly. I am not perfect and so even though I try, I often fail.

I do not believe that fate controls your future. You control your own destiny, or someone else does. Throughout act three scene four, Juliets parents try to control her fate and plan for her to marry Paris, even though they don't know her very well. Juliet will be a vicim of fate if she obeys her parents becuase she doesn't get to control her future. Those who base their lives off of these horiscopes might also be victems of fate because they are letting the stars control their fate.