Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Early Memories: my fantasy obssesion

I can only recall very vague memories of my distant past, And I can't remember past a few years back, so this story is more current than ten years.
I was eight years old and loved reading fantasy books. Because I was over-imaginative I started fantasizing about mythical creatures. Wanting to rule, because I thought it would be fun, I decided to rule my own imaginary country, which was a huge mistake. I would act out everything I fantasized about and literally talk to my " invisible subjects" and defend "my country" when anyone gave me funny looks about it. I even went so far as to talk about it like it was real, because it was very real to me even if it didn't exist.
The more fantasy books I read the more things I added to "my country", and it got HUGE! Soon I had whole plot lines and stories, dozens of them, and I could have written multiple books about what went on in my country, but whenever I tried, all the stories ran out of my head as fast as they could go. One day my mom confronted me about it and I tried to end it, but it was addicting. I couldn't stop reading fantasy books either; they were to good to not read.
My mom said I couldn't read anymore fantasy books, and I obeyed her, but struggled with it; fantasy had become an obsession. Finally I got over it cold turkey,on a no-fantasy diet and Jesus's help. That experiance keeps me away from getting obsessed to anything else.

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